How you can benefit from working with me
My commitment is to support individuals and organisations to find their own integrity. By integrity I mean a state of being whole and undivided. You might also call it authenticity. The process includes challenging assumptions and working to remove obstacles in the way of reaching desired goals or outcomes. I can help you to connect to that part in you or your organisation that inspires, excites and calls forth focused action.
The first use of the term “coach” in connection with an instructor or trainer arose around 1830 in Oxford University slang for a tutor who “carried” a student through an exam. The word “coaching” thus identified a process used to transport people from where they are to where they want to be.
And there you have it! So, my work as a coach is to “transport” you from where you are now to where you want to be in the future. How I do that is through support and encouragement, which also entails challenging assumptions (mostly yours!) and co-creating a road map to get you from A to B.
Some Examples Of My Work
Your Best Year Yet
A half day workshop
The purpose of the Best Year Yet programme is simply to make the next year your best year yet.
For several decades thousands of people have used this exercise to think about what really matters to them and then make a sensible and realistic plan for the next year of their lives. The results have been and continue to be inspiring.
All successful businesses put themselves through an annual exercise of setting goals and creating plans for the year ahead. Yet few individuals do this for themselves. Fewer than 1% of adults have clearly stated goals. Yet those who do earn as much as ten times more than those who don’t! The main thing that separates the most satisfied people from the rest of us is the fact that they have stopped to think seriously about what they want to achieve.
Most people have all the talent and ambition they need. Often these are hidden under a cloud of disappointments and doubts which lead to a lack of discipline. Many others find they are simply too busy to think about what matters most to them.
I invite you to use this experience to discover how to deploy your special talents. Discover how to use your strengths and experience to plan the life – both business and personal – you really want for yourself.
Unwrapping Your Future
This programme is loosely based on Ikigai (生き甲斐), a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. The word refers to having a direction or purpose in life. A purpose that makes one’s life worthwhile. A purpose towards which an individual takes spontaneous and willing actions that give them satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.
To find your personal expression of Ikigai you will need to ask yourself some questions. The questions aren’t always obvious and can sometimes be challenging.
Through coaching and support from me you can explore and create the future you want to unwrap. A future that calls you to action in the knowledge that you will be making a difference.
Often, we know we want to be of service but we can’t decide how or where to do that. Most people want to make a difference. Finding where and how your skills and experience can best be used will help you decide.
This is where what you love meets what you are good at, meets what you can be valued and paid for, meets that which the world needs. Your Ikigai will be complete, unwrapped and ready for action when the goal implies making a difference that will make your heart sing.
Hidden In Plain Sight
We have all, at one time or another, if only temporarily, hidden our true selves. We mask parts of ourselves and justify doing so by making excuses to ourselves and others. We cover up our vulnerability, our fear and we pretend. We act out a different persona. Fear is a powerful driver. We have all feared making a mistake, making a fool of ourselves, feeling stupid and being rejected.
One example is manifest by people who are often spoken of as “the life and soul of the party”. Another is referred to as imposter syndrome: someone who successfully punches above their weight but suffers continually with an anxiety that they will be found out.
Having lived a part of my own life in hiding, I can understand the extent to which my cover up got in the way of my own free expression. It blocked my creativity and my desire to live a fulfilling life. By looking beyond my circumstances I was able to take a stand for myself – which brought me out of hiding – to live the life I wanted to live.
My programme is designed to help people to create their own restorative belief systems in a quiet way: this is where the magic of our inner lives happens, on both the conscious and unconscious levels.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution is the method and process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful settlement to a dispute.
Relationships both in business and personal lives can become conflicted and breakdown. People and performance suffer as a result. Life becomes more complicated, awkward and often painful. Businesses, partnerships, marriages, all can collapse in the wake of relationship breakdown. Strong emotions are often at the heart of any breakdown, both parties believing themselves to be right.
Conflict can often more easily be resolved with the help of a third party. An uninvolved person outside the conflict can appreciate both sides of the dispute objectively and bring perspective to the problem.
In my role as a mediator, I can listen to both sides of the story without bias. I will look for common ground which will provide the starting point for the reconciliation. I will then facilitate the resolution process and encourage both parties to negotiate a mutually agreeable way forward.
Putting up with conflict is wearing and debilitating. Drop me an email ( or give me a call (07775 662170) and let me help you find relief and a peaceful way forward.
Example 1
Two fellow Directors at loggerheads about a strategy and plan for the growth of their company asked me to assist them to find a way forward that would satisfy both parties. They knew they had to resolve their issues but didn’t know how to. Their employees and the company were beginning to suffer.
It seemed that they had conflicting motives, but by engaging in a carefully planned process, they were able to see that they had more in common than they had thought. By finding the common ground, I was able to help them to keep focusing on the bigger picture, in favour of who was right. That resulted in the creation of a strategic plan that reflected both visions, pleased and excited both parties and allowed the company to grow successfully.
Example 2
Two siblings who had been extremely close suddenly found themselves in the midst of an upsetting disagreement. Abusive emails had been exchanged which had closed the door on their relationship. Having listened to them both I was able to help them to see how the breakdown had occurred. They were at very different stages in their lives and hadn’t taken that into account. Their joy in discovering that they both wanted the same outcome set them on the path of resolution.